Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bookshelf: Meg Cabot

**** (for both)

Yes, this is a double post. I figure it's okay when it's two similar books by the same author, right? I have only read one other Meg Cabot book (The Boy Next Door), which I read a few year ago and couldn't put down. For those unfamiliar with this series, the story is played out through emails and journaling, which honestly makes for a really hysterical story. I think about it sometimes when emailing my friends during the work day. If anyone ever read those conversations I'm pretty sure they'd be caught between giving me the stink eye and laughing, but I think that's what happens when you read someone's thoughts, which is what emails are. I like the lack of description, to be honest. When I read "The Boy Next Door" I wasn't sure I'd like that. I was afraid it would feel like it was missing so much, but to be quite frank... I love it. It lets me picture the characters and the setting however I want to while giving me the basics. It's great.
"Every Boy's Got One" is the story of a couple (Holly & Mark) who take their two best friends (Jane & Cal) with them on a elopment week in Italy. From the get-go Jane and Cal can't stand each other, everything Cal does is grating to Jane and vice versa, yet they're going to have to deal with each other as they're going to be spending an awful lot of time together. Jane believes in love and romance and meanwhile Cal thinks it's not natural for two people to be together for their whole lives. So knowing that the story is told through email and personal journaling I have to say that my favorite scenes involved people emailing each other from within the same car.
"Boy Meets Girl" is about Kate, an HR rep at The NY Journal, and how she gets swept into this grossly misconstrued incident between the director of HR's boyfriend (who incidentally happens to be the Journal's lawyer) and the dessert cart lady. Sounds ridiculous and it is, but as things snowball it only makes for great drama. And as a person who talks online to girlfriends all day I can completely relate to Kate's character.
What I like most about Meg Cabot's writing is how everything happens so quickly. Because it's emails and notes, etc. you end up reading twenty pages in a matter of minutes and I, for one, had a disastrously hard time putting the books down. But what's a little less sleep, right?
I highly recomend her books for when you go on holiday or even just a snowy day inside (yes, Beantown is about to get ANOTHER foot (plus) of snow tomorrow). And one quick note to the author: Dear Meg, thanks for making me look like an idiot on the T laughing to myself.

Happy reading!


PS. To check out Meg's awesome blog, hop on over here.

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