Monday, July 21, 2014


Yesterday at brunch I told my girlfriends I'd be spending two hours editing in the afternoon. I felt fully committed, pumped up even. Let's get this thing going!

But then I realized that first I had to edit a friend's piece for her website and after working on a first person TBI (traumatic brain injury) narrative I was spent. 

BUT I PROMISED! I know. So I ate two double-stuffed oreos and tried to get amped up to work on my manuscript. But my bed had new surfboard sheets on it and the cats were both alternating between lazy stretches and naps and this started happening...

So I only made it through four pages before I knew I should stop before I add to the grammatical errors. Then I moved on to making dinner and then Breaking Dawn Part 1 was on TV and obviously I couldn't do anymore editing. 

So tonight I am going to not even turn on the TV and instead just edit my face off. No excuses. No baking. No pickling (I already pickled cukes and green beans on Saturday so there's nothing left to pickle in my fridge - very strategic move on my part). 

Let's Do This



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